
Habitat Restoration in Mining Sites (on-line course – in Spanish)

On-line event

For the second year SER Europe is giving support to this on-line course on Restoration of Mining Sites organised by the University of Barcelona. The course starts on April 4 and lasts for 100 hours until June 10. All details on the website above and in Catalan and Spanish on this pdf. Featured Image: Jordi […]


Nature-based Solutions Knowledge Gaps

Nature-based solutions are key building blocks of sustainable landscapes, however there are still many knowledge gaps hindering their implementation. How to turn these gaps into stepping stones instead to ensure the spread of effective nature-based solutions? Join this NetworkNature Webinar to learn, discuss and share knowledge with experts in the field! Speakers: Mariem El Harrak, […]


State of Ecological Restoration in Portugal

On-line event

Alice Nunes, cE3c, Faculdade de Ciências da Univ. de Lisboa António Patrão, ICNF, Portuguese Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests Patricia M. Rodríguez González, CEF, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Univ. de Lisboa Patrícia Pinto da Silva, Municipality of Almada Ana I. Sousa, CESAM & Department of Biology, University of Aveiro Registration to the webinar ➡ […]


State of Ecological Restoration in Norway

On-line event

Presenters: Dagmar Hagen, Astrid Skrindo, and Berit Köhler - Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINA Registration to the webinar ➡ ➡ ➡ NOW OPEN 💡 💡 💡 This is the 5th of the webinar series by SER Europe in 2022 – A SER Europe member will lecture us on the State of Ecological Restoration on […]


Standards For Climate: uptake of nature-based solutions in urban and rural areas – with SERE

CEN and CENELEC are strongly committed to contributing to the achievements of the Paris Agreement and the UN SDGs supporting the international climate agenda, as laid out in the London Declaration  signed by the standardization community early 2022. Standardization has a key role to play in reinforcing a wider uptake of nature-based solutions in urban […]


Cement Industry’s Vision to the Future: A 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap

On-line event

CEMBUREAU, the European Cement Association, is organising the online event: "Cement Industry's Vision to the Future: A 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap", taking place on Wednesday, June 1 from 10.00 am to 11.30 am (CET). The event will be the occasion of the launch of its first Biodiversity Roadmap taht SER Europe has has the oportunity to […]


Make a Difference Week – Global event


A Week of Global Restoration Action Hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration NEW! Here you can review a template for MAD-Week event registration that you can translate automatically to your national language. Contact us if you need more help! Get Involved Make a Difference Week (MAD-Week), is an annual Celebration week of global Nature […]

Achieving the new EU nature restoration targets: Needs and benefits (part of Think 2030 Conference)

On-line event

IEEP is organising a roundtable discussion on the upcoming EU Nature Restoration Law, organised during the Think2030 conference on 30 June, from 11:30 to 12:45 CET. The Think2030 conference is a bi-annual event organised by Think2030, a platform of leading policy experts from European think tanks, civil society, the private sector and local authorities. This […]


4th International Conference I.S.Rivers – Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers

Lyon , France

The I.S.Rivers international conference focuses on research and actions in the service of rivers and large rivers, whether natural or highly anthropized. It aims to promote a cross-fertilization of approaches and a dialogue between all stakeholders. English and French are the two official languages of the event. I.S.Rivers, a unique occasion in Europe to: Provide […]

SER Europe 2022 Conference Alicante

Alicante University , Spain

Visit the Conference website for all details and registration options. Main planned deadlines: SYMPOSIA, WORKSHOPS AND COURSES March 22, 2022 (extended) Deadline for proposal submission Upon receipt and until March 29, 2022 Accepted proposal notification to coordinators ABSTRACTS April 5, 2022 Opening for abstract submission June 6, 2022 Deadline abstract submission Upon receipt and until […]

UN Decade Free on-line Course – Ecosystem Restoration 2022

On-line event

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are offering a FREE two-part Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Ecosystem Restoration. This course is available thanks to the generous support of the European Union and the Korea Forest Service of the Government of the Republic of Korea through the Forest […]


Delivering the Nature Restoration Law for rural stakeholders and biodiversity

On-line event

The conference will discuss opportunities and challenges for the ambitious EC proposal on binding restoration targets. The proposal, unveiled on 22 June 2022, aims at putting in place time-bound obligations for ecosystem restoration together with an overarching EU target. The aim is to cover at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by […]


RESTAURER ET (SE) QUESTIONNER – 12th REVER Workshop – Pyrenees (in French)

REVER 12 s'annonce dans les Pyrénées.... En 2022, le réseau d'échange et de valorisation de l'écologie de la restauration (Rever) s'est associé au Conservatoire botanique national des Pyrénées et de Midi-Pyrénées (CBNPMP) pour organiser ses 12èmes Journées ateliers. L'événement aura lieu du 4 au 6 octobre 2022 à Bagnères-de-Bigorre, dans les Hautes-Pyrénées. Ce sont 3 jours […]

Prague Conference on Nature Restoration 2022

New Building of National Museum, Wilsovova 2, Prague, Czechia Wilsovova 2, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

The loss of biodiversity is already putting our planet, as well as our chances of survival at huge risk. Scientists are unequivocal on the need to not only protect the nature we have left but also restore it. This means improving and, where necessary, recreating the habitats decimated by human activities. In 2020, the European […]


The EU Nature Restoration Law and its urban greening targets: implications for local policy makers ONLINE – 12WS22385

On-line event

Announcement by the organisers: This workshop will shed light on the recently launched proposal for an EU Nature Restoration Law from a European, regional and city perspective. The European Commission will begin by presenting its proposal, outlining how it fits within the framework of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030; how it forms a key […]
