Final Results TRAIN#ER Project – February 2023
TRAIN#ER has completed its 12-month cycle and these are the final results of the project:
- Guidelines on Training Needs in Ecological Restoration in Europe final version · pdf
- TRAIN#ER Community of Practice: Training Capacities on Ecological Restoration Workshop at the University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic · pdf
- TRAIN#ER Demo Sites: Examples towards a future European Network of Demonstration Sites on Ecological Restoration Training. pdf
- Standard Format for an online survey on training needs in ecological restoration · pdf · editable file
- Note on Training Opportunities in Ecological Restoration in the partner’s countries · pdf
- TRAIN#ER Videos.
- TRAIN#ER web articles: “TRAIN#ER Project to improve training in the growing field of Ecological Restoration”, Articles in EPALE
- TRAIN#ER ePostcards.
- TRAIN#ER Erasmus + Space in EPALE
- TRAIN#ER demonstration sites at SER Restoration Resource Centre
TRAIN#ER ePostcards
#ER overview: How do we identify Training needs in Ecological Restoration?
TRAIN#ER aimed to achieve a shared model for vocational training needs in Ecological Restoration (ER), based on a common analysis of knowledge production and use in the participating countries and a final joint definition of recommendations.
Implemented by a consortium of 8 organizations, TRAIN#ER had the aim of identifying knowledge from educators and users, detecting gaps in knowledge production and transfer, and contributing to designing effective vocational training programs that integrate the specificities of the different socio-ecological systems, scientific and technical skills, including language, inclusion and cultural barriers.

The Survey
The European survey has been conducted, addressed to a wide range of organisations in the ER sector, to capture their training needs, bringing a wide, diverse and inclusive scope of their training and education needs. The survey results will benefit the whole professional sector of ecological restoration: academy, students and young professionals, public and private sectors.
The Focus Groups
Focus Groups are meetings to discuss the current ER training framework, its strengths and weaknesses, challenges, and options for action. Targeted to a wide spectrum of stakeholders in ER, Focus Groups aimed to obtain precise and specific opinions and recommendations in ER training, and to contribute to the community of practice and the project outcomes
The Community of Practice
The Focus Group and the Knowledge exchange workshop in Ecological Restoration were held in Czech Republic to identify the current available offer of ER training at different scales. A community of practice (CoP) in ER has been proposed and outlined for future implementation. A CoP is a group of people who “share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly”.
As a result, the CoP will help identify training opportunities and build partnerships between people involved in training programs in RE.
News during the project (2022-2023)
26.01.2023 Follow-up meeting on the outputs of the TRAIN#ER Project
Online meeting to discuss the Guidelines for practitioners in #EcologicalRestoration.

06.01.2023 New video on the progress of the TRAIN#ER Project!
A video summarizing the aim of the Project, activities and progress of the TRAIN#ER Project so far. Watch it HERE.

09.12.2022 Online meeting to discuss the outputs of the TRAIN#ER Project
We had an online meeting led by Anhalt (Germany), with partners from Spain, Czechia and Norway. We discussed the ouputs of the TRAIN#ER Project, including a report with recommendations for training in EcologicalRestoration (ER) and a paper.
07.11.2022 Web article: “TRAIN#ER Project to improve training in the growing field of Ecological Restoration”
The last article on the TRAIN#ER Project, based on conversations with professionals working on the field of ER, who participated in the 13th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (SERE2022), or are involved in the TRAIN#ER project. Read it HERE!

28.9.2022 The Knowledge Exchange Workshop took place in Czech Republic
The University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, has hosted a Knowledge Exchange Workshop from 28th to 30th September. The results of the national and european Surveys and Focus Group and Survey have been analyzed. Also the synthesis and recommendations of the TRAIN#ER Project have been planned. Next Activity will be the Focus Group in Norway in october.
20.09.2022 The TRAIN#ER Survey has closed and the results are being analyzed
The TRAIN#ER Survey to capture training needs in Ecological Restoration (ER) has been closed and the results are being analyzed to provide the first report, after presenting the preliminary results at #SERE2022.
09.9.2022 The TRAIN#ER Project preliminary results were presented at SERE2022!
SER Europe presented the preliminary results from the TRAIN#ER Project at the European Conference on Ecological Restoration (SERE2022).
- Jordi Cortina presented “Knowledge needs of restoration practitioners in southeastern Spain”, with results from the National Focus Group and the Survey at southeastern Spain.
He showed how training is of utmost importance to overcome knowledge transfer barriers.
- Jordi Cortina presented “Knowledge needs of restoration practitioners in southeastern Spain”, with results from the National Focus Group and the Survey at southeastern Spain.
20.6.2022 – A number of Focus Groups to discuss knowledge transfer in Ecological Restoration (ER) have taken place or are programmed: The European Focus Group took place online on 20 June, the German Focus Group took place 23 June in Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, and also the Focus Group from North-eastern Spain took place 28 June. The Focus Group in Czech Republic was on May.
Project consortium:
(With link to TRAIN#ER page if available)
European chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration | Universidad de Alicante (Spain)| Hochschule Anhalt (Germany) | Jihoceska Univerzita V Ceskych Budejovicich (Czech Republic) |Stiftelsen Norsk Institutt For Naturforskning – NINA (Norway) |Senter For Opplæring I Anleggsgartnerfaget (Norway) |Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) |Conselleria de Agricultura, Medio Ambiente, Cambio Climático y Desarrollo Rural, Generalitat Valenciana (Spain)
Funded by Erasmus+, Small-scale Partnerships
TRAIN#ER at the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
Project code: 2021-2-BE02-KA210-VET-000049240
Duration: 03/2022 – 02/2023
Project Budget: 60.000 €
TRAIN#ER on social networks
TRAIN#ER Related References and Other Publications
Nicola Favretto,Lindsay C. Stringer,Andrew J. Dougill,Liezl Kruger (2022) Knowledge exchange enhances engagement in ecological restoration and rehabilitation initiatives. Restoration Ecology.
TRAIN#ER related news and resources
24.02.2023 – UN Ecosystem Restoration Decade Learning Sessions: Education on Ecosystem Restoration, Exploring Innovative Strategies
07.11.2022 – Learn how to create Urban Forests and green your city! UFOREST, an Erasmus + Project: 3 online training courses and one innovation programme in urban forestry.
07.10.2022 – Tips for Students and Young Professionals – YOUNG#ER, SER Europe.
30.09.2022 – The European Network for the Advancement of Business and Landscape Education (ENABLE), Erasmus University.
25.04.2022 – Higher Restoration to Empower #Generation Restoration, Mark Nason, Eden Project