

PublicationsSERE activities

SERE’s 2022 Annual Report published

The Annual Report for 2022 was approved by the Board in July 2023, but the publication has just been distributed. In a foreword to the report, our Chair Dr. Jordi Cortina-Segarra outlines the reasons why 2022 was a special year for ecological restoration. We are facing unprecedented challenges but also...Read More
EU DirectivesLatest NewsPublicationsSharing knowledge

SERE participates on new publication: “Handbooks to Improve the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation”

SERE has been part of the team producing two new handbooks on Evidence‐based Improvements in the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation (E-BIND) commissioned by the European Parliament. The handbooks focus on Guidance for improving the availability of data and information on species, habitats and sites (Focus area A) and Scientific...Read More