This textbook provides an introduction to the restoration of ecosystems in Central Europe. It starts by dealing with the environmental needs for restoration, its definitions, the legal background, (a)biotic factors and plant material, the societal framework and monitoring. The second group of chapters is addressing near-natural systems, i.e. forests, freshwater habitats, peatlands, marshes, dunes and high mountains, followed by a similar series on shrublands, hem vegetation, heathlands, sandy, calcareous and mesic grasslands, arable, urban and mining habitats. Each chapter starts with a concise description of the respective ecosystems and their historical degradation, followed by specific plans and methods for restoration. The final chapters deal with novel ecosystems, invasive alien species, aspects of nature conservation and future directions of restoration. The book strikes a balance between overview and details, and between classic and recent examples.
The five authors are well-known experts with complementary knowledge in restoration ecology. The book is carefully designed and well-written, supported by numerous instructive figures and photos — it is highly recommended to both students, researchers and practitioners in ecological restoration.
Ecological Restoration in International Environmental Law (2017)
This is the first published book to examine comprehensively the relationship between international environmental law and ecological restoration.
While international environmental law (IEL) has developed significantly as a discipline over the past four decades, this book enquires whether IEL can now assist states in making a strategic transition from not just protecting and maintaining the natural environment but also actively restoring it.
Arguing that states have international duties to restore, this book offers reflections on the legal content of a duty to restore from an international law, European Union law and national law perspective.
The book concludes with a discussion of several contemporary themes of interest to both lawyers and ecologists including the role of private actors, protected areas, and climate change in ecological restoration.
Authors: Telesetsky, A., Cliquet, A. & Akhtar-Khavari, A. Publisher: Routledge Series: Routledge Research in International Environmental Law, 318 pages ISBN: 9781138796836
Peatland Restoration and Ecosystem Services: Science, Policy and Practice (2016)
Peatlands provide globally important ecosystem services through climate and water regulation or biodiversity conservation. While covering only 3% of the earth’s surface, degrading peatlands are responsible for nearly a quarter of carbon emissions from the land use sector.
Bringing together world-class experts from science, policy and practice to highlight and debate the importance of peatlands from an ecological, social and economic perspective, this book focuses on how peatland restoration can foster climate change mitigation.
Featuring a range of global case studies, opportunities for reclamation and sustainable management are illustrated throughout against the challenges faced by conservation biologists. Written for a global audience of environmental scientists, practitioners and policy makers, as well as graduate students from natural and social sciences, this interdisciplinary book provides vital pointers towards managing peatland conservation in a changing environment.
Editors: Aletta Bonn, Tim Allott, Martin Evans, Hans Joosten, Rob Stoneman Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 493 pages. ISBN: 9781139177788
Floodplain Meadows – Beauty and Utility: A Technical Handbook (2016)
This handbook on species-rich floodplain meadows offers a comprehensive guide to their history, management, restoration, and creation.
Once widespread, these vital habitats now cover less than 1,500 hectares in the UK but remain biodiversity hotspots, supporting diverse plants, birds, bees, and pollinators. Shaped by traditional agriculture, they provide free societal benefits like floodwater storage, carbon sequestration, and drought resilience while producing valuable crops without artificial fertilizers.
With increasing extreme flood events, these meadows offer a model for resilient agricultural systems.
The book is ideal for those managing, restoring, or studying floodplain meadows and their rural historical significance. You can order here or download here.
Authors: Emma Rothero, Sophie Lake, David Gowing (Eds), 104 pages; Publisher: NatureBureau – ISBN-13: 9781473020665
Grassland Restoration and Management (2016)
With 95% of meadows lost in the twentieth century, understanding and restoring remaining grassland habitats is critical. Grassland Restoration and Management provides a comprehensive guide to restoring and managing species-rich grasslands, offering insights from recent research. It explores grassland communities, their associated wildlife, and species of conservation concern, with a focus on semi-natural and drier grassland habitats.
Key topics include grassland character, wildlife, threats, challenges, and opportunities in restoration, as well as the use of plant material and defining restoration success. Practical management techniques, such as soil amendment, cultivation, harvesting, and maintenance, are discussed to create optimal conditions for restoration.
This book is an essential resource for conservationists, land managers, ecological restoration practitioners, and students. It supports efforts to create new grassland habitats, restore degraded semi-natural grasslands, and ensure the ongoing management of existing unimproved grassland communities, fostering biodiversity and ecological resilience.
Part of the Conservation Handbooks series; Authors: David Blakesley & Peter Buckley 277 pages, ISBN-13: 9781784270780
Lakes, Loughs and Lochs (2015)
British freshwater life, long overlooked in natural history, is revisited in Brian Moss’s comprehensive volume on lakes, loughs, and lochs.
Building on the foundation of Macan and Worthington’s 1951 classic, Moss details advances in understanding and conserving these vital ecosystems.
New techniques, including molecular biology, stable isotopes, and chemical methods, have revolutionized lake ecology, making restoration and conservation urgent. Lakes are crucial ecosystems, supporting diverse life from algae to otters, enriching human life, and strengthening economies. However, they face threats from urbanization, intensive farming, and invasive species. Moss emphasizes viewing freshwater systems holistically, integrating their ecological, social, and economic roles, and underscores the importance of conservation to preserve these ecosystems amid increasing environmental pressures.
Part of the New Naturalist SeriesVolume: 128; Author: Brian Moss, 452 pages, ISBN-13: 9780007511396
Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity (2015)
Published by the European Commission and DG-Environment
Ecosystems provide a multitude of benefits to humanity, from food, clean water and flood protection to cultural heritage and a sense of place, to name but a few. However, many of these benefits, known as ‘ecosystem services’, are under severe threat from man-made pressures.
Decision makers need clear information on how biodiversity underpins these services, the demand for them, the capacity of ecosystems to provide them and the pressures impairing that capacity. In this report we explore four core facets of the ecosystem services concept: the links between biodiversity and ecosystem services; current techniques for mapping and assessing ecosystems and their services; valuation of ecosystem services and the importance of considering all ecosystem services and biodiversity as part of an interconnected system.
This comprehensive Finnish handbook on drained peatland restoration consolidates over 25 years of expertise and ecological knowledge about peat and peatland hydrology.
Developed by Finnish peatland experts, it primarily draws on restoration experiences from protected areas and aims to enhance awareness of ecological principles to promote effective restoration both within protected areas and commercially used forestry lands.
The handbook is a practical guide for planning and implementing restoration measures in drained peatlands. It was coordinated by the Finnish Expert Group for Peatland Restoration under the Boreal Peatland LIFE project and the METSO Forest Biodiversity Programme, with funding from the Ministry of the Environment.
An abridged English version, funded by the Boreal Peatland LIFE project, summarizes the key content of the Finnish edition. It serves as a vital resource for professionals engaged in restoring peatland habitats to foster ecological balance and biodiversity.
Edited by Similä Maarit, Aapala Kaisu, Penttinen Jouni (2014); Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services and Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, 84 pages, ISBN 978-952-295-073-4
Economy and Ecology of Heathlands (2013)
Heathlands, once widespread across Europe, were integral to mixed farming systems, serving as “outfields” for grazing and organic debris collection. These habitats covered vast areas of poor soils unsuitable for arable farming but have since declined due to agricultural intensification and land reclamation. This book explores how lowland heathlands were converted into arable fields through drainage and fertilizers, while mountainous heathlands persisted under extensive grazing. Today, heathland restoration addresses demands for biodiversity, ecosystem services, and amenity areas.
The book examines historical land use, ecological shifts, and economic realities, showing how modern policies like the Common Agricultural Policy and Natura 2000 can reconcile farming with nature conservation. It highlights restoration challenges, such as nitrogen pollution and phosphorus depletion, and presents diverse management methods, supported by examples from projects and studies.
With contributions from over 40 experts across nine countries, the book offers a comprehensive view of heathland ecology, sustainable land management, and the balance between farming and conservation. It underscores opportunities for extensive dairy farming and husbandry to sustain biodiversity while providing ecosystem services. Essential reading for those involved in heathland conservation and management, it emphasizes innovative approaches to reviving these valuable habitats.
Edited by W. Herbert Diemont , Wim J.M. Heijman, Henk Siepel and Nigel R. Webb (2013), KNNV Publishing, 462 pages ISBN 9789050114615
Calcareous Mires of Slovakia (2013) Landscape Setting, Management and Restoration Prospects
Slovakia is blessed with an abundance of natural beauties, and some of them are quite unique within Europe. Calcareous fens, which are peat and travertine (CaCO3) depositing wetlands are such rare ecosystems and in Slovakia they are located almost exclusively in the Western Carpathian Mountains. Calcareous fens are hot spots of biodiversity and some protected and almost untouched sites are discussed in Calcareous Mires of Slovakia.
Such reference areas are unique natural archives, and are very suitable for studying their past development and history. An international team of peatland scientists tried to unravel the hydrological and geochemical processes behind the development of calcareous fens and identify the dangers of human interventions in the landscape.
The interdisciplinary approach used in these studies include historical development, ecology, geology and hydrology. We believe it can be inspirational for colleagues in other countries to study and understand the hydrological systems, including threatened wetland types and to propose efficient restoration measures. Through Calcareous Mires of Slovakia, the authors wish to make a contribution to peatland preservation and more effective conservation.
Edited by Ab Grootjans, Viera Sefferova & André Jansen (2013), KNNV Publishing, 110 pages, ISBN 9789050114417
Restoration Ecology: The New Frontier (2012)
Enlarged, enhanced and internationalized edition of the first restoration ecology textbook to be published. Since 2006, when the first edition of Restoration Ecology appeared, major advances have taken place in restoration science and in the practice of ecological restoration. Both are now accepted as key components of the increasingly urgent search for sustainability at global, national, and community levels – hence the phrase “New Frontier” in the title.
While the first edition focused on ecosystems and landscapes in Europe, this new edition covers biomes and contexts all over the world. Several new chapters deal with broad issues such as biological invasions, climate change, and agricultural land abandonment as they relate to restoration science and ecological restoration. Case studies are included from Australia, North America, and the tropics.
This is an accessible textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate level students, and early career scientists. Restoration Ecology also provides a solid scientific background for managers, volunteers, and mid-career professionals involved in the practice of ecological restoration.conservation.
Editors: Jelte van Andel & James Aronson, Wiley-Blackwell, 381 pages, ISBN-13: 9781444336368
Near-natural restoration vs. technical reclamation of mining sites in the Czech Republic (2011)
Reclamation in post-mining landscapes in the Czech Republic often prioritizes restoring agricultural or forestry use as mandated by legislation. However, strict technical reclamation frequently destroys valuable habitats and rare species, conflicting with nature protection laws. The productivity of reclaimed areas is typically low, offering limited ecological or economic benefits. Efforts by scientists, NGOs, and some mining companies advocate for near-natural restoration to enhance biodiversity and landscape value, but legislative barriers often hinder implementation. Technical approaches result in uniform, low-value ecosystems, missing opportunities to improve the natural environment.
Scientific studies have highlighted the shortcomings of technical reclamation and demonstrated the success of near-natural methods in creating diverse, ecologically valuable landscapes. These approaches are increasingly applied in restoration projects, offering practical examples of balancing ecological restoration with conservation and land-use goals.
This report summarizes knowledge about restoration methods used in various post-mining sites within the Czech Republic. It is the result of a workshop organized by the Calla NGO and the Working Group for Restoration Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Download the report as pdf here
Edited by Klára Řehounková, Jiří Řehounek & Karel Prach (2011), Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, 111 pages ISBN 978-80-7394-322-6
Grasslands in Europe of High Nature Value (2009)
Grasslands are vital to European nature, supporting 50% of its endemic plant species and hosting numerous vulnerable or endangered animal species. Traditionally part of agricultural landscapes, grasslands face significant threats from modern farming practices. While biodiversity-rich grasslands remain common in Central and Eastern Europe, they are largely confined to protected areas in other regions. Recognized as High Nature Value (HNV) areas since the 1990s, these grasslands have gained attention in EU agricultural policies.
This book explores the diversity of European grasslands through 24 geographic case studies, from Sweden’s Gotland to Turkey’s Anatolian steppes and mountainous regions with unique endemic species. Each study details the plant and animal communities, cultural history, threats, and management strategies for restoration and maintenance. Thematic chapters discuss agricultural history, grassland fauna, and climate links, while the final section evaluates EU policy impacts and farmer-centric solutions for conservation.
Richly illustrated with photos, maps, and graphs, the book underscores grasslands’ ecological and cultural significance, aiming to halt their decline and inspire conservation efforts. It is a key resource for anyone interested in preserving Europe’s grassland ecosystems.
Edited by P. Veen, R. Jefferson, J. de Smidt and J. van der Straaten (2009) KNNV Publishing, 320 pages ISBN 9789050113168
Near-Natural Re-Vegetation of Raw Soil (Handbook) (2006)
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of near-natural restoration methods, covering diverse site types, target vegetation, and suitable approaches. It details practical techniques such as using seed-rich mowing material, hay mulch, hay threads, hay threshing, seeding for grasslands and forests, topsoil transfer, planting, and introducing non-rooted plant parts, as well as specific practices for lake shores. Cost analyses of these restoration measures are also included.
The guide is designed for landscape architects, organizations and companies involved in re-vegetation and restoration, seed and plant producers, as well as landscape conservation groups and voluntary conservation associations, offering valuable insights into sustainable restoration practices.
Ecological restoration of Mediterranean grasslands in Provence and California (2006)
Disturbances and resilience are major factors in ecosystem dynamics. The first objective of this work was to assess the resilience of plant communities after anthropogenic exogenous disturbances.
The absence or low long-term resilience of the ecosystems studied suggested that they were dysfunctional. The second objective of this thesis was thus to isolate several factors to better understand the whole functioning of these ecosystems. Perennial grassland species were planted in degraded ecosystems and environmental factors were manipulated. In both the Mediterranean areas studied, seed emergence was low, suggesting that transplanting may be a better option to reintroduce perennial species to degraded ecosystems.
Survival and establishment of sowed Nassella pulchra and the other transplanted species were greatly enhanced by habitat manipulation. In La Crau, stone cover should be restored, and sheep stocking rates and arable weed competition reduced. In California, exotic annual competition should drastically be reduced and topsoil removal looked like a promising method to achieve this.