In 2023, SER, SER-Europe, and WWF Spain revised the standards for certifying Mediterranean Forest Restoration projects in Spain. This update includes practical guidelines and tools, developed and tested with the support of the Audemars-Watkins Foundation over the past three years. SER and WWF have collaborated to integrate their standards systems, resulting in the publication of version 3.0 in January 2022, and the updated version 4.0 in November 2023. This new version includes additional sections and annexes, providing a comprehensive guide for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region.

Download the WWF-SER Standards Certification Forest Restoration (EN version) and WWF-SER Estandares Certificacion Restauracion Forestal (versión Castellano)  .

The project to revise the Standards was funded by Audemars-Watkins Foundation for the last three years. Across the organisational involvement in the project, collaborating entities include the Valencian Regional Government, VAERSA, TRAGSA, LAFARGE HOLCIM ESPAÑA and the Andalusian Regional Government (who collaborated on the field tests planned and implemented to verify the applicability of the standards) and a broad technical working group who collaborated on the revised publication, which includes representatives from organisations such as CEAM, University of Madrid Complutense, CREAF, University of Alicant, Aragón´s Government, University of Castilla y La Mancha, CENEAM of Valsaín, University of Valladolid, and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, to name a few.