IMPORTANT! You can translate this page to your own language. Use the top-left box on the blue bar and select a language.
This way you can see all details you need to propose an event, before going to the official SER – MAD Week registry page in English.
MAD-Week 2022 – Registration Form
Please complete the form below – SER staff members will upload your submission to the MAD-Week website.
Event Title (required):
Enter the title of your planned event (limit of 100 characters)
Event Start Date (required):
Please select the start date for the event
Event End Date:
Please select the end date for the event (if different from the start date)
Event Start Time (required):
Please select the start time for the event (e.g., 8:00 AM)
Event End Time (required):
Please select the end time for the event
Event Location:
If applicable, add the specific location of your event (ex. community garden, neighborhood park, etc.)
Street Address:
If applicable, add the specific street address of your event (ex. 123 Sample Street)
City / Town (required):
Enter the name of the city/town that your event will take place in
State / Province:
Enter the name of the state/province that your event will take place in (if applicable)
Country (required):
Enter the country that your event will take place in
Event Summary (required):
Please add 1-2 paragraphs describing your event
Additional Practical Details (required):
Please provide practical details about your event (ex. where should participants meet, what kind of clothing should participants wear, do participants need to bring special equipment, etc.?)
COVID-19 Protocol:
If your event has an established COVID-19 protocol, please describe it here
Event Accessibility (required):
Please choose the ONE option below that best describes the accessibility level of your event
Event is wheelchair accessible
Walking over easy terrain
Walking and/or hiking over moderate terrain
Walking and/or hiking over difficult terrain
Are Children Allowed? (required)
Please specify if children are allowed to participate in this event
Registration Contact – First Name (required):
Enter the first name of the individual who should be contacted for event registrations
Registration Contact – Last Name (required):
Enter the last name of the individual who should be contacted for event registrations
Registration Contact Phone (required):
Enter the phone number of the individual who should be contacted for event registrations. Include the country code.
Registration Contact Email (required):
Enter the email of the individual who should be contacted for event registrations
Registration Contact City / Town (required):
Enter the city or town of the individual who should be contacted for event registrations
How Should Participants Register? (required)
Select the ONE option below that best describes how participants should register for your event
Text the Registration Contact
Call the Registration Contact
Email the Registration Contact
Through a Registration Website
Organizer Name (required):
Enter the name of the event’s organizer (ex. name of individual or organization hosting the event)
Organizer Website:
Enter the URL of the event organizer’s website (if applicable)
Event Partners:
Enter the name(s) of partnering individuals/organizations that will assist with or sponsor this event (if applicable)
Event Images & Logos
We encourage event hosts to submit a promotional image and logo to include with their event submissions. If desired, please send these assets to John Salisbury, SER ( or your Regional Coordinator contact.
Promotional Image
Images should be either JPG or PNG format and less than 1MB in file size. Recommended image dimensions are 1600 x 800 pixels.
Organizer Logo
Upload a logo for the event organizer. Logos should be either JPG or PNG format and less than 1MB in file size. Logos should be a minimum of 700px wide.