
SER2008: 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration

Ghent, Belgium

Towards a sustainable future for European Ecosystems - Providing restoration guidelines for Natura2000 habitats and species 8-12 September 2008   |   Ghent, Belgium Click here to read more about this event

SER Summer School 2009 – Münster

Münster, Germany

Introduction of species and management of biodiversity in restoration projects 29 June - 3 July, 2009   |   Münster, Germany 20 PhD students from 8 European countries joined the course. Apart from lectures given by 16 experts from Germany, England, The Netherlands and France there were excursions to various restoration projects in the surroundings of Münster. Click here to read […]

ALTER-Net Conference 2013: Science underpinning the EU 2020 Strategy, Ghent (Belgium)

Unnamed Venue Ghent, Belgium

The primary focus of the conference will be the objectives and targets of the EU's 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, which should be realized by the end of this decade. Being a science-policy interface network, ALTER-Net wants to help the EU in realizing these targets by providing scientific knowledge, e.g. by pointing out possible weaknesses, opportunities and […]

International Conference “Approaches in Wetland Restoration”, Warsaw (Poland), co-organised by SER Europe

Warsaw, Poland

International Workshop "Approaches in Wetland Restoration”, 22-24 April 2013, Warsaw, Poland The focus of this workshop will be on the restoration of mires and specifically fens, but other, functionally interrelated wetland types may be included as well. The organisers aim to review synergies and trade-offs between various targets and approaches to the restoration of this […]

SER Europe Mini-Symposium: “New developments in restoration research and applied ecology”, Münster (Germany)

University of Münster Münster, Germany

Preliminary program Friday, 26th of April - 11.00 to 13.30h Welcome reception - 13.30h Welcome address, Norbert Hölzel (Ecosystem Research, University of Münster) - 14.00 to 17.30h Talks (open for MSc students Münster) - 18.00h Social program “Icebreaker” Saturday, 27th of April - 09.00 to 14.00 Talks (open for MSc students Münster) - 15.00 to […]

SER Europe Summer School “Restoration of Mediterranean Ecosystems”, Avignon (France).

Avignon, France

General information: download pdf here SER summer school 2013 is a 5-day program on the restoration of Mediterranean ecosystems held by the University of Avignon and Aix-Marseille University in France under the auspices of the Society of Ecological Restoration Europe (SER Europe). This course is primarily intended for PhD students who work in restoration ecology […]

10th European Dry Grassland Meeting, Zamosc (Poland)

Zamosc, Poland

10th European Dry Grassland Meeting (EDGM), 24-31 May 2013, Zamosc, Poland The aim of the conference is to link theoretically based approaches with practical restoration in various types of grasslands. The main questions of the conference are: How can we protect grasslands in fragmented landscapes? What do we need to do to ensure the sustainable management and […]