
Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems in the Nordic Countries

ReNo is a Nordic multidisciplinary network of scientists, practitioners, policy makers and entrepreneurs working with ecological restoration.

The ReNo group conducts national assessment of the extent, status, methods and results of restoration activities in  the Nordic countries, analyzes the natural and socio-economic processes involved in restoration, identifies knowledge gaps and inadequate policy instruments, and develops paradigms and guidelines for restoration.

The ReNo project was funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers during 2009-2011. The group continues its work during 2012- 2014 as EvRest project, which includes members also from Canada, Greenland and Scotland. The project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. EvRest aims at developing frameworks to evaluate ecological restoration projects and thereby improving the quality of restoration projects.

Finish Restoration Board

The Finnish Restoration Board is a national collaborative group consisting of managers, scientists, and experts working with habitat restoration and the management of cultural habitats.

The group supports restoration and nature management actions both on state-owned and private land.

Four expert groups work under the Restoration Board: peatland expert group, forest restoration expert group, river restoration expert group and the cultural habitats expert group.

The Restoration  Board together with the expert groups prepares restoration handbooks and organizes seminars.

The Restoration Board is coordinated by Metsähallitus and Finnish Environmental Institute.

Find out more here

Knowledge Network for Restoration and Management of Nature in The Netherlands

In the ‘OBN Knowledge Network’ researchers, site managers, universities, consultancies, NGO’s and governmental bodies closely cooperate to restore ecosystems and nature reserves. Here, knowledge and practice intermingle, and science and nature management jointly look for the most effective approaches to enhance sustainable conservation of important ecosystems in the Dutch landscapes.

Landscape-based ‘Expert Teams’ are working on development, dissemination and implementation of knowledge on restoration and rehabilitation of nature reserves, on issues regarding Natura 2000 and the EU Water Framework Directive, as well as on distribution problems of individual species.

During the last decade, the OBN Network is also focussing on environmental problems, such as the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, climate change, sea level rise, coastal defence, flood risks, and other changes in the hydrological systems.

Find out more here (largely in Dutch)

The Landcare Project

LANDCARE “Land Degradation and Rehabilitation in Mediterranean Environments” is an international project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (2015-2018).  

The overall objective of LANDCARE is to improve training capacities in relation to Land Degradation and Rehabilitation (LD&R) in Southern Europe, in order to fulfil the demands of an emerging labour market and contribute to the green economy. The partnership is composed by eight members, one academic and one professional partner for each participant country (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy). The project focuses in four topics reflecting the different partner’s expertise: freshwater ecosystems, coastal areas, contaminated soils, and Wildfire areas, and two thematic strands transversal to all topics, namely environmental education and employability related with LD&R. As the latter is a field that requires training involving real study cases and hands-on experience, the education path proposed in the project combines short-term international mobility through intensive courses with innovative online learning (PLEs, SPOCs) and international mobility to gain real-world experience through internships hosted by the professional partner participants.

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