The Endangered Landscapes Program (ELP) is an initiative within the network of SER Europe.
ELP provides inspiration for a future in which biodiversity and ecosystem processes are restored to Europe’s degraded lands. Working in partnership with landowners, organizations and local communities, the program supports restoration of large, connected landscapes. ELP main activity is to provide large grants for the restoration of degraded landscapes (see website).
Now, with a deadline for Expression of Interest (EoI) of 3rd February 2023 ELP has a call open from grants to support the preparatory work needed for new landscape restoration initiatives. These are grants up to $100,000 within a list of activities proposed in the call text.
Non-profits, social enterprises, research institutions from an extensive list of wider European countries may apply (see call guidance for details).
Full project proposals will be open to preselected EoIs from March to May 2023 (see call for detailed dates).