The Legal Working Group acts as a think tank on the legal aspects of ecological restoration in Europe, and works to facilitate the exchange of information of legal knowledge and understanding with relation to ecological restoration.

Consisting of 20 experts, the LWG meet regularly to discuss legal issues affecting ecosystem restoration.


The Legal Working Group (LWG) aims to contribute to legal symposia, participate in SER(E) conferences, provide legal advice on ecological restoration to the community of restoration practitioners, develop legal best practice guidelines and publish their work when appropriate.


The LWG is coordinated by An Cliquet, Professor of International and European Environmental and Biodiversity Law at the University of Ghent, Belgium, where her research encompasses both biodiversity and restoration law.
The current working group is comprised of 20 experts from across Europe, with input from additional experts when requested.

New members can be proposed by at least 2 permenant members, and must prove that they have expertise in restoration law, and clarify their motivation to join the group. Membership is decided through consensus of the LWG.


In 2024-5 the LWG has prioritised discussion of the final text of the Nature Restoration Law, as well as its implementation in European Member States, including the drafting of National Restoration Plans and monitoring of output.

They have also been considering possibilities for restoration litigation, and have contributed to the SERE2024 Conference and the Tartu Declaration. There is a common effort within the group to apply for funding to further support the activities of the group.


Resources on the Nature Restoration Law can be found here.


If you have questions for the LWG, please do not hesitate to contact and a member of the team will direct your request as appropriate.

Last updated: SSJ, November 2024