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Webinar: Rivers increasing water temperature under climate change. What are the impacts on rivers and their management?

19 June 2023 @ 16:30 UTC+1

Don’t miss the third of a series of 3 webinars organised by Integrative Sciences Rivers, I.S Rivers. The next webinar will be next Monday, 19 June, from 16:30 to 19:00 CEST.

These are the Presentations:

  • Dr S.Dugdale, University of Nottingham – Water temperature and river health: tools and

    techniques for monitoring and managing river thermal regimes under an uncertain climatic


  • Prof. J-F Deliège, University of Liège – Aquapôle & T. Ferret, Adour Garonne Water Agency – Using the PEGASE model to analyse the impact of climate change on rivers management scenario
  • B. Rossignol, EPTB Loire – Between Research and Management. Developing the knowledge on river temperature at the scale of the Loire River catchment. A closer look at the Villerest dam.
  • Dr L. Tissot-Rey & Dr. A. Maire – EDF R&D – The management of riparian woodland as a solution to mitigate the impact of climate change on rivers temperature and their biodiversity.


19 June 2023
16:30 UTC+1


IS Rivers