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10th European Dry Grassland Meeting, Zamosc (Poland)
24 May 2013 - 31 May 2013
10th European Dry Grassland Meeting (EDGM), 24-31 May 2013, Zamosc, Poland
The aim of the conference is to link theoretically based approaches with practical restoration in various types of grasslands. The main questions of the conference are: How can we protect grasslands in fragmented landscapes? What do we need to do to ensure the sustainable management and conservation of grasslands? It is a great opportunity to meet colleagues from different parts of Europe and elsewhere.
See more: http://www.edgg.org/edgg_meeting_2013.html
Contact: Katarzyna Barañska or Michael Vrahnakis
kasia_baranska@interia.pl & mvrahnak@teilar.gr