Pitfalls to avoid along the way to the Nature Restoration Law Adoption
30 October 2023
The SERE Legal Working Group analysed the amendments of the European Parliament on the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) proposal from the European Commission. We identified four ways in which many of these amendments undermine the NRL: (i) reducing ambition, (ii) inflating the margin of appreciation of the Member States, (iii) reversing the priorities of the proposal and (iv) slowing down the required transition to a sustainable society. As a result, the NRL becomes legally pointless, undermining the European and international obligations and commitments on restoration. The far-going flexibility and contradictions in the amendments undermine the level-playing field within the EU and undermine legal certainty. The amendments contradict existing legislation such as the Habitats Directive. They undermine the credibility of the European Union, as a frontrunner in environmental law. Using such mechanisms in any kind of legislation would only lead to bad law-making.
Read the analysis here: SERE analysis – Legal pitfalls in negotiations on NRL – 251023
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