TRAIN#ER take-home messages
1- Improved cooperation within European and national networks is most important to broaden and
2 – Strengthen opportunities and outcomes in ER education.
3 – Tailored learning materials on ER topics are necessary to improve ER training in education.
4 – Internet platforms are useful to facilitate access to relevant ER materials as Open Educational Resources, which should be easily accessible and easy to understand.
5 – Demonstration sites and examples of good and bad practices are highly useful for knowledge transfer into Vocational Education and Training (VET) and continuous education.
6 – There is a need to improve existing VET and continuous education curricula and to qualify teachers in ER-relevant topics.
7 – New education programs focused on ER are in great demand.
The TRAIN#ER Project results include guidelines on training needs, reports on a Community of practice, and many more

The main results of the Project include:
- The report “TRAIN#ER Guidelines. Recommendations for Integration of Ecological Restoration in vocational training in Europe”
- The report “TRAIN#ER Community of Practice: Training Capacities on Ecological Restoration Workshop at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH BOHEMIA, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, CZECH REPUBLIC”
- The report “TRAIN#ER Examples towards a future European Network of Demonstration Sites on Ecological Restoration Training”
- A Standard Format for an online survey on training needs in ecological restoration.
- A Note on Training Opportunities in Ecological Restoration in the partner’s countries. We plan to transform this on a live and co-created register of ER training opportunities in Europe. Stay tunned!
- Communication material: TRAIN#ER Videos, ePostcards, web articles, twitter posts, etc.
- TRAIN#ER demonstration sites at SER Restoration Resource Centre
TRAIN#ER is an Erasmus+ Project to identify training needs in Ecological Restoration in Europe
The TRAIN#ER Project has aimed at identifying the training needs to improve the practice of Ecological Restoration in Europe. Implemented by a consortium of eight organizations, it has been led by the Society of Ecological Restoration Europe (SERE) with partners from Spain, the Czech Republic, Norway and Germany. The Project included five main activities: (1): European and national surveys, addressed to a wide range of organizations in the ER sector, to capture their training needs. (2) Focus Groups: meetings to discuss the current state of ER, its strengths and weaknesses and options for action. (3): The design of a Community of Practice, to share and learn on the practice of ER. (4) The outputs of the Project, including a set of guidelines for practitioners and educators in ER, and (5): Communication actions throughout the project, including social media.
More information on the TRAIN#ER Project Results can be found at:
Twitter: #ErasmusTRAINER